Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Cops fear 25 British-born Muslims are plotting to bomb Western airliners | The Sun |News

If CIA FBI DHS TSA fail to body search, to prevent boarding and entering USA by to Britain known and banned terrorist, then they all need to be resign and disband. 9/11 controlled demolition inside operation pretext for wars of occupation and colonization. http://krunchd.com/inside

Failed Detroit bombing 'let it happen' job is direct consequence of not revealing the truth about 9/11 - the same forces still plotting wars they need and profit from.

The same utterly incompetent agencies on a path of confusion. 9/11 controlled demolition pretext for wars. What is the next one? Where was CIA in letting this person on board and entering USA? Let's stop world war before it starts.

Cops fear 25 British-born Muslims are plotting to bomb Western airliners | The Sun |News

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

OK City bombing 4-19-95 is an inside job. So is London bombing 7/7/05 proven inside operation. What is next?

The Murrah Federal Building was not destroyed by one sole truck bomb. The major factor in its destruction appears to have been detonation of explosives carefully placed at four critical junctures on supporting columns within the building. 9/11 controlled demolition


9/11 Controlled Demolition important links

  • Compare video of real controlled demolitions - amazing, revealing
  • How were explosives set in WTC towers? video
    Links 9/11, old guard: 911Blogger.com - 911Truth.org -911Review.com - Visibility911.com - 911Research.WTC7.net
    New events: AE911Truth.org - World911Truth.org - Wacla.org- STJ911.org - JournalOf911Studies.com
  • The big divide, seminal event in 9/11 Truth Movement - Dr. Jones, Prof Harrit et al. - 9/11 Nanothermite Controlled Demolition Study of 2009 Paper. Original. The game is over. We need polygraph questioning.